The data science blog by eoda
The data analysis blog from the data science specialist: We tell you stories about the data science languages R and Python, data science in a business context and much more.

eRum 2016: First European conference for the programming language R
The European R community has new place to go for networking and exchanging experiences. For the first time, the Poznan University of…
Text Mining with R: Top Keywords of the useR! 2016
From June 27-30 the international R user and developer community will meet in Stanford, California for the useR! 2016 Conference. Right in…
Data Mining Demo: Modelling and forecasting with R and EXASOL
In the following you will find a simple data mining demo that shows modelling and forecasting in the connection of R and Exasol. If you…
R and EXASOL: Installing and configuring necessary components
The following text serves as a step-by-step instruction for installing and configuring all the necessary components for the connection of R…
Spatial visualization with R – Tutorial
The visualization of spatial data is one of the most popular applications when using R. This tutorial is an introduction to the…
Potential and Possibilities of the Programming Language R for Predictive Maintenance
Have you ever been asked a question starting with: “Can you use R to…“, only to politely interrupt the inquisitor at this point to reply…
Five ways to handle Big Data in R
Big data was one of the biggest topics on this year’s useR conference in Albacete and it is definitely one of today’s hottest buzzwords.…
Visual debugging with StatET and RStudio
Debugging code in R R provides several built in features for stepping through code for analyzing and debugging purposes. As an example you…
German election: Election promises visualized with R
Data analysis is mostly focused on structured and standardized data, e. g. data from data bases, because these data can be used easily for…