The data science blog by eoda
The data analysis blog from the data science specialist: We tell you stories about the data science languages R and Python, data science in a business context and much more.

Kubernetes: Horizontal scaling of data science applications in the cloud
Reading time: approx. 2 min Due to the constant growth of data and the ever more complex requirements of an IT infrastructure, there are always new challenges for data scientists and data engineers. One possible solution is to combine the RStudio Job Launcher with a Kubernetes cluster: Read our blog article to find out about the advantages!
R, Python & Julia in data science: A comparison
Reading time: approx. 3min R, Python or Julia? Meanwhile there are many programming languages, but which one is suitable for your own needs is still unclear. We give you a recommendation!
Easy data access: The advantages of a unique database connection with ODBC and DBI
Reading time: approx. 2min Optimum data access is particularly important for the work of data scientists. It enables them to access the relevant data quickly and efficiently.
Are you [R]eady for production? The Data Science Event 2019 – Register now!
[R]eady for production – The Data Science Event 2019. In the upcoming week, eoda and RStudio invite the German speaking R-community to the…
R-Trainings in Hamburg – Register now!
With more than 1,500 satisfied participants, eodas R-trainings are the leading courses for the programming language in the German-speaking…
Is Santa Claus predictable?
Two years ago, we revealed something sensational: Santa Claus is a data scientist. The secret of his success does not lay in his hundred…
Happy Birthday R
Happy birthday R! We’re celebrating your 25th anniversary this month. In 1993, when your developers Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman – whose…
Dear data scientists, how to make your work even more valuable
In our previous article we have showed you how you can make your daily work easier with the right solution. The optimal support of…
Dear data scientists, how to ease your job
You have got the best job of the 21st century. Like a treasure hunter, looking for a data treasure chest while sailing through data lakes.…