Model Execution Features

Dynamic load distribution for optimal resource utilization

YUNA uses an agent system that manages the execution of the individual models. The agents represent individual environments in which your models are executed. YUNA automatically selects the most suitable agents so that the analysis can run as performantly as possible.

Intuitive scheduling of analyses

Decide whether your analyses are run regularly or manually. What’s more, users can do this in the dashboards, so you can get back to developing and optimizing new and existing models.

Model drift monitoring and model optimization

YUNA offers dashboards that allow you to track the quality of your models. In this way, deviations can also be detected more quickly automatically, and suitable measures can be initiated. You can also optimize existing models so that they become even more precise.

The highlight: With the intuitive data labeling widget, even expert users without code knowledge can assist in optimizing models.

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    Your expert on Data-Science-Software:

    Manfred Menze

    Phone: +49 561 87948-370